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Name: Hanne-Lore Schuh
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Der Eintrag: BD 5444 7/21/1952
The loving person cannot deny God out of conviction ....
Whatever you do to those in need, you have done to Me. As soon as love motivates you to help your fellow human being in spiritual or earthly adversity you also love Me, for love encompasses everything and thus you can no longer exclude Me, Who is eternal love Myself, if you feel love within yourselves.
To whom you turn your love is the same; love always remains something divine, it is always a sign of approaching eternal love.
For this reason I accept every work of love as having been granted to Me and return the love in increased measure, which is why the willingness to love will always increase more and more until the human being's nature has completely become love. This is why a loving person cannot deny Me Myself as eternal Love if he is seriously confronted with the question as to whether he believes in a God Who is Love in Himself. He cannot do so with conviction, but it is possible that he does not seriously ask himself this question, that he thoughtlessly denies an Eternal Deity in order to oppose it ....
He could therefore believe if he wanted to, but he lacks the will to confront this problem. Being able to believe presupposes the will to believe, as soon as the will is there, previous doubts immediately melt away when he mentally grapples with a doctrine that must be accepted and can also be accepted with good will. The objection "I cannot believe" is an untruth, because then the will to believe is not yet present.
A loving person can very easily become convinced because faith arises from love; on the other hand, it is difficult for a completely unloving person to gain this faith and therefore love must be practiced first if the will to believe is there, which, however, will rarely be the case with an unloving person. But without faith there is no bliss, for I cannot give Myself to a person and reveal My glories to him if he does not acknowledge Me, that is, if he does not believe in Me as a loving, extremely wise and omnipotent Being.
The acknowledgment of Myself prompts Me to bestow without measure and I provide the souls with unimagined glory, yet they can only take possession of Me through faith in Me .... Yet I do not deny Myself to the human being but he himself accepts nothing from Me since he does not accept Me, since he denies My Being. Yet I will not give up on even the most unbelieving soul, I will approach it time and again and try to reveal Myself .... One day I will succeed, one day even the most unbelieving soul will know that there is a Being to Whom it owes its existence, and one day it will also recognize His perfection and long for His love. Then it will also be able and willing to love, and then it will be able to believe firmly and undoubtedly and approach Me in this faith; it will long for Me and also find fulfillment, it will come to Me voluntarily and I will receive it because it now loves Me and believes in Me ....
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