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Am 30.08.2024 um 23:12 Uhr schrieb Gerhard Preuss / Edit - 1545 Delete - 1545 IP - 1545 Antwort - 1545

Bewertung: Sehr Gut
Danke Friedhelm!

Und noch was!
Hast du die Bücher noch rechtzeitig retten können,
die du illustriert hast?
Des weiteren,viel Glück!!

Am 30.08.2024 um 23:07 Uhr schrieb Giesela Burscheidt / Edit - 1546 Delete - 1546 IP - 1546 Antwort - 1546

Bewertung: Sehr Gut

Mein lieber Friedhelm!
Ich werde täglich an das daß schöne Bild erinnert,
daß aus Blattgold!
Rate mal warum..

Am 30.08.2024 um 22:50 Uhr schrieb R.Ahmdan / Edit - 1547 Delete - 1547 IP - 1547 Antwort - 1547

Bewertung: Sehr Gut
جميل جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً

Am 30.08.2024 um 22:00 Uhr schrieb Christopher Sattler / Edit - 1548 Delete - 1548 IP - 1548 Antwort - 1548

Bewertung: Sehr Gut

Könnte ich einige wenige Kopien von ihren Bilder haben?
Ich sah auch,daß bekannte Personen in ihre Werke eingearbeitet sind.
Christopher Sattler

Am 30.08.2024 um 21:25 Uhr schrieb Peter Halmann / Edit - 1549 Delete - 1549 IP - 1549 Antwort - 1549

Am 30.08.2024 um 21:06 Uhr schrieb Stinky / Edit - 1550 Delete - 1550 IP - 1550 Antwort - 1550

Bewertung: Sehr Gut

Weißt du noch wie oft der Mann ,dir immer wieder sagte,
daß er doch nicht im Stich lässt....

Am 30.08.2024 um 20:57 Uhr schrieb Blödes Kuh / Edit - 1551 Delete - 1551 IP - 1551 Antwort - 1551

Am 30.08.2024 um 20:54 Uhr schrieb Blödes Kuh / Edit - 1552 Delete - 1552 IP - 1552 Antwort - 1552

Am 30.08.2024 um 20:52 Uhr schrieb Blödes Kuh / Edit - 1553 Delete - 1553 IP - 1553 Antwort - 1553

Bewertung: Sehr Gut

Zu deiner Thematik:
"Der Wahnsinn der Normalität"

Am 30.08.2024 um 20:17 Uhr schrieb Miss Cuolo / Edit - 1554 Delete - 1554 IP - 1554 Antwort - 1554

Bewertung: Sehr Gut
Sorry for the communication, i found you from my "suggested friends" and decided to add you up meanwhile I'm the kind of person who loves to make new friends but if you don't like the communication as well you can kindly unfriend me thanks for your understanding.

Am 30.08.2024 um 20:12 Uhr schrieb Christopher Ongeri / Edit - 1555 Delete - 1555 IP - 1555 Antwort - 1555

Bewertung: Sehr Gut
Hello my dear friend, how are you doing. I hope you are fine. There's something I would like to kindly share with you please.

Am pastor Christopher ongeri from kenya, I have a small family Church here and I foster orphans too, my mission is to transform the lives of these children that I take care of. Currently I have 15 adopted children at our orphanage and 5 widows I also have some other children whom I take care of from the outreach.

But just like any other household, we have a lot of life challenging problems. Some of the problems we have rotate around inadequate finance like delayed rent payments of the premises where we reside.

Another problem is feeding. With the double increased prices of every commodity because of inflation, feeding these children has become so hard whereby most of the days I can only afford one meal per day for the children and sometimes it's only porridge alone. And with the outbreak of Ebola in the country and and particularly in our district kamuli, the government is going to impose on us a lockdown and nighttime curfew. And we are so worried because it's going to get worse because this government doesn't care about the poor. During the COVID-19 lockdown the government provided us with nothing and we were left helpless without no one to run to. More prayers still needed.

Even school fees tend to burden us yet I would like like these children to at least reach a certain level of education so that they can be responsible people in the community.

Medication is also another worry. We can't access free medical care from government hospitals because there's no medicine. The short term solution we got for that is by using local herbal medicine. The children don't have proper clothing.

They wear clothes looking like rugs. We cant access safe drinkinter because the boreholes are in a radius of 3kms. We share the same water from wells with animals.

Another issue is about the limited space because the two bedroom house which we rent is too small to be occupied by all those children. We are worried about incest because the boys sleep in the same roof with the girls.

Am just a casual laborer and I always work so hard to to bring food to the children's table but sometimes I fail. I do all sorts of casual work in my village. I do welding, tilling for people, working on construction sites as a potter, collecting scrap metal and used bottles and so much more and the money I get from there can't be enough to at least reach a quarter way of our needs.
so kindly am sending my humbly request if possible stand with us to save God's children 🙏

May almighty God touch you and join us in Jesus name ❤️❤️❤️

Am 30.08.2024 um 19:46 Uhr schrieb T.Amann / Edit - 1556 Delete - 1556 IP - 1556 Antwort - 1556

Am 30.08.2024 um 18:18 Uhr schrieb Abebe Wolters / Edit - 1557 Delete - 1557 IP - 1557 Antwort - 1557

Bewertung: Sehr Gut

Hallo du Tastendrescher,Zauberer
und Pinselquäler.
Als Freigeist produziertest du ja immer wieder beruflich bedingte Eigenheiten.
Bei Sorgen und persönlichen Fragen ergab sich die Antwort wie von selbst bei einer Atelierführung mit Gespräch.
Es war schön,in solcher Weise Rat u. Trost empfangen zu dürfen!

Am 30.08.2024 um 17:00 Uhr schrieb H.H. / Edit - 1558 Delete - 1558 IP - 1558 Antwort - 1558

Am 30.08.2024 um 16:50 Uhr schrieb Blemel / Edit - 1559 Delete - 1559 IP - 1559 Antwort - 1559

Bewertung: Sehr Gut
Solingen war kein Einzelfall,
das Grauen kennt kein Ziel,
vielleicht bist du das nächste Opfer in diesem blinden Spiel.
Mein Beileid gilt den Betroffenen
mit ihrem Schmerz und Leid,
unsere Trauer bleibt unvergessen,
für alle Zeit.
Drum lasst uns nicht verfallen
in Angst und stummes Leid,
Steh auf, erhebe dich,
es wird höchste Zeit.
Unsere Stimmen werden laut,
sie klingen klar und rein,
in diesem Land der Freiheit, werden wir nicht die Opfer sein.

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